NFS package


NFS.NFS module

NFS.NTS module

Next Tile Selector

Based on our google sheet ( these are the expected inputs

skylevel: current sky level [counts s-1 cm-2 arcsec-2] (from ETC, at the end of last exposure) seeing: current atmospheric seeing PSF FWHM [arcsec] (from ETC, at the end of last exposure) transparency: current atmospheric transparency [0-1, where 0=total cloud cover] (from ETC, at the end of last exposure) lastexp: completion time in UTC of most recent exposure

obsplan: filename containing that nights observing plan, defaults to planYEARMMDD.fits fiber_assign_dir: (output) directory for fiber assign files. program (optional): request a tile will be in that program,

otherwise get next field chooses program based on current conditions
previoustiles (optional): list of tiles that have been observed that night (IS THIS RECORDED IN A FILE?)
This should be handled internally if at all possible. THe NTS could also scan the fiber_assign_dir directory.
These variables are in the
RA _prior: in degrees, used only for user over-ride, defaults to -99 DEC_prior: in degrees, used only for user over-ride, defaults to -99

If input values are missing (e.g. first exposure of the night), the NTS falls back to reasonable defaults for skylevel etc.

The primary output of the NTS will be a dictionary with the name of the fiber assign file (full path) The naming convention is tile_<tileid>.fits

In addition, the following keys/information is returned by the NTS:

tileid: (int) DESI Tile ID s2n: (foat) Requested signal to noice (for ETC) foundtile (boolean): indicates whether field selector was successful. exptime: expected exposure time based on ETC information from previous exposure [seconds] maxtime: maximum allowable exposure time [seconds]

Names are converted to FITS convention: TILEID, S2NREQ, EXTTIME, MAXTIME, FBRASSGN

class NFS.NTS.NTS(obsplan, fiber_assign_dir, defaults={})

Bases: object

next_tile(skylevel=None, transparency=None, seeing=None, program=None, lastexp=None, fiberassign=None)

select the next tile

Module contents