

Open loop pointing offset needed to correct for ADC rotation.


  • PlateMaker external interface
  • PlateMaker internals
    • targetCalib0


This list is not promised to be comprehensive.


Keyword/value pairs

The values are the errors, so the negative of the correction needed.

Keyword Sample value Type Units Description
ra -0.10 float arcseconds R.A. pointing error
dec 17.56 float arcseconds declination pointing error

Storage and access

Through DOS

After nfsproc is run for a sequence, the get PML command may be used retrieve the center data from PlateMaker.

First, a PML connection must be established:

>>> from DOSlib.PML import dos_connection
>>> pm = dos_connection('PLATEMAKER')
>>> pm.execute('configure')

The center data is normally calculated by PlateMaker when nfsproc is called. So, load some sample input for it, and run nfsproc:

>>> from PlateMaker import test_data
>>> targets = test_data.targets
>>> pm.execute('set', seqid=52254)
>>> pm.execute('set', targets=targets)
>>> pm.execute('nfsproc')

Now we can retrieve center from PlateMaker, which it will return in the form of a python OrderedDict.

>>> center = pm.execute('get', 'center')
>>> center 
OrderedDict([('ra', ...), ('dec', ...)])

Preferred file representation

Name template:center-{PLATE_ID}.par
Format:Ftcl .par file


>>> from PlateMaker import test_data
>>> fname = test_data.data_dir + '/center-52254.2.par'
>>> print(open(fname, 'r').read()) 
#Coord  Error
ra ...
dec ...