

Sequence parameters.


  • PlateMaker external interface


This list is not promised to be comprehensive.


Keyword/value pairs

Keyword Sample value Type Units Description
tileid 52254 int    
float decimal degrees boresight R.A.
float decimal degrees boresight declination
zd 34.264382774025648 float decimal degrees zenith distance
psi -45.898407945088991 float decimal degrees negative of paralactic angle
ha -28.46066981715181 float decimal degrees hour angle
st 151.53933018284818 float decimal degrees sidereal time
ut 7 float hours universal time of midpoint of expected exposure
yr 2019 int years year
mon 2 int months month
day 21 int days day
mjd 58535 float days Modified Julian Date
float seconds GFA exposure time
float seconds spectrscopic exposure time
float seconds overhead time
project desi string    

Storage and access

Through DOS

After nfsproc is run for a sequence, the get PML command may be used retrieve the sequence data from PlateMaker.

First, a PML connection must be established:

>>> from DOSlib.PML import dos_connection
>>> pm = dos_connection('PLATEMAKER')
>>> pm.execute('configure')

The positioner coordinates are normally calculated by PlateMaker when nfsproc is called. So, load some sample input for it, and run nfsproc:

>>> from PlateMaker import test_data
>>> seq_id = test_data.seq_id
>>> targets = test_data.targets
>>> pm.execute('set', seqid=seq_id)
>>> pm.execute('set', targets=targets)
>>> pm.execute('nfsproc')

Now we can retrieve center from PlateMaker:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> nfs_data = pm.execute('get', 'nfs_data')
>>> pprint(nfs_data) 
OrderedDict([('tileid', ...),
             ('raBore', ...),
             ('decBore', ...),
             ('zd', ...),
             ('psi', ...),
             ('ha', ...),
             ('st', ...),
             ('ut', ...),
             ('yr', ...),
             ('mon', ...),
             ('day', ...),
             ('mjd', ...),
             ('exptime', ...),
             ('spectime', ...),
             ('overtime', ...),
             ('project', ...)])

Preferred file representation

Name template:nfs-${SEQID}.{CONFIG_ID}.par
Format:Yanny .par file


>>> from PlateMaker import test_data
>>> fname = test_data.data_dir + '/nfs-52254.1.par'
>>> print(open(fname, 'r').read()) 
#Next field selector parameters
tileid 52254
expid 52254
raBore 324.69999999999999
decBore 57.299999999999997
zd 25.336599999999997
psi 179.99999999941519
ha 0.
st 324.69999999999999
ut 15
yr 2017
mon 2
day 8
mjd 57792.638043981482
exptime 10.
spectime 1200.
overtime 120.
project proto
ids 2