The GuiderMan Class

class CameraMan.GuiderMan.GuiderMan(device_mode=False, noSVE=None, **extra_args)

Bases: CameraMan.CameraMan.CameraMan

Guider Manager acts as fanout between the OCS/observer and the guider system consisting of the Guider, the Guider IB and the guide GFAs/cameras. Most of the standard functionality is provided by CameraMan


Do GuiderMan initialization and then call CameraMan init

configure(*a, **kw)

Configure GuiderMan then call CameraMan application First argument in args list must be constants version

prepare_for_exposure(expid, flavor=None, **options)

Call guider prepare_for_exposure once at the start of a new exposure. Call CameraMan prepare_for_exposure every time Options for the guider start with “guider_

expose(expid, **options)

Instruct participating cameras to expose Add guidestars before calling camera expose (for simulation)

start_loop(expid, frame=None, exptime=None, flavor=None, **options)

Start exposure loop. Add guidestars if available and not given

get(parameter, *arguments, **options)

returns current value of parameter

accept_rois(expid, roi_list)

Accept (default) roi list. This is used if rois are not passed from the manager app during assign()

start_guiding(expid, **options)

inform guider app to start guiding Format of expected positions should be like this:

{<roi extname>: {‘x_expected’:, ‘y_expected’: yy.yyy},
<roi_extname>: {‘x_expected’:, ‘y_expected’: yy.yyy},

Naming convention: tbd (for example GUIDE1_0 as in GFA_<roi index>)

stop_guiding(expid, **kwargs)

instruct guider to stop


Update the guide camera WCS values wcs_array has to be a list of dictionaries or a numpy rec array The petal column maps to the unit id and is used to construct the camera name

send_guider_cmd(command, *args, **kwargs)

send a command to the guider application

send_guiderib_cmd(command, *args, **kwargs)

send a command to the guider application