Using PlateMaker in the EM challenge

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Revision:$Rev: 4907 $
Date:$Date: 2016-06-08 16:13:50 -0500 (Wed, 08 Jun 2016) $
Author:$Author: neilsen $

Preparing the test environment

Cleaning the working directory

The examples here assume a clean working directory, which needs to be set by the data_dir parameter in the PLATEMAKER role definition in the example platemaker.ini file, found in $PLATEMAKER_DIR/etc.

Make sure the parent directory exists:

>>> from os import mkdir
>>> try:
...     mkdir('/tmp/test_platemaker_data')
... except FileExistsError:
...     pass

but the test subdirectory does not. (PlateMaker generates it automatically.):

>>> from shutil import rmtree
>>> try:
...     rmtree('/tmp/test_platemaker_data/52256')
... except FileNotFoundError:
...     pass

Loading test input data

These examples require data to be provided to PlateMaker. These can be loaded from pickles in the PlateMaker product:

>>> from PlateMaker.PlateMakerTestData import PlateMakerTestData
>>> test_data = PlateMakerTestData('em2', 52256)
>>> seq_id = test_data.seq_id
>>> positioners = test_data.positioners
>>> merged_fvc_spots = test_data.merged_fvc_spots

Preparing to interact using PML

The architect with a PlateMaker role needs to be up and running, and the environment variables need to be set up so that the python process can find it, for example with dos_env.csh.

Then, start a python interactive process and establish a connection to the PlateMaker role:

>>> from DOSlib.PML import dos_connection
>>> pm = dos_connection('PLATEMAKER')

Running calibprep

The first step in running calibprep is to set the instrument. In this example, I begin by setting parent directory for the instrument definition files:

>>> pm.execute('configure')
>>> pm.execute('set', instrument_dir=test_data.instrument_dir)

This value can also be set in the PlateMaker section of the architect configuration file; if it is set there, setting it as above is unnecessary.

Once PlateMaker is told where to look for instrument definitions, tell it what instrument to use:

>>> pm.execute('set', instrument='em2')

Now you can set the sequence id, seq_id:

>>> pm.execute('set', seq_id=seq_id)

calibprep can be run thus:

>>> pm.execute('set', positioners=positioners)
>>> pm.execute('calibprep')

Note that the set and the calibprep executions can be combined into a single call:

>>> pm.execute('calibprep', positioners=positioners)

After calibprep is run, the data can be retrieved thus:

>>> fiber_pos = pm.execute('get', 'fiber_pos')

Running calibproc

calibproc can be run thus:

>>> pm.execute('calibproc', positioners=positioners,
...                         merged_fvc_spots=merged_fvc_spots)

Again, when run after prior commands which have provided the necessary data, the previously provided keywords may be omitted:

>>> pm.execute('calibproc', positioners=positioners, merged_fvc_spots=merged_fvc_spots)

After calibproc is run, the data can be retrieved thus:

>>> positioner_calib = pm.execute('get', 'positioner_calib')